We believe that there are two overarching worldviews: a man-centered worldview and a God-centered worldview. It is from these two opposing worldviews that man contemplates his existence and finds value and purpose in life.
We believe God is the center of His creation. Man can only be understood in the context of a God-centered worldview. Our potential, our reason, and our purpose are enveloped in the fact that man is the centerpiece of God's creation.
God’s inspired, sufficient, and inerrant Word, the Bible, is His divine revelation to man. The daily lives of God's people are changed as a result of knowing and studying God's Word. Absolute truth and objective reality are found only in a worldview focused on God.
Education must comprehensively address the needs of the "whole man." A Christian approach to education ensures sensitivity to the unique needs of each individual. The imparting of God's knowledge and wisdom is the goal of Christian education. The desire to be a life-long learner of His truth is the mark of a maturing disciple.
The education of a child must be a cooperative effort with the family, because God has established that parents are fully responsible for raising their children as the primary and ultimate authority in their lives. This responsibility of parents includes the task of ensuring that their children are taught a proper understanding of the world around them. Thus Christian education becomes a partnership between parents, the church, and the school in this important task of exploring and discovering a God-centered worldview.
Education itself is not the answer to man's problems. It is only as we start with the knowledge of an all-knowing and loving Creator that we can successfully educate. In this process of education, we will not only impart wisdom and knowledge for this world but also prepare man for eternity!
At DCS, we believe there are two important principles that facilitate academic excellence in a learning program. The first principle is "age-appropriate academics." This means that subject matter and learning concepts are carefully reviewed to be presented at the most advantageous time in a child's or young person's maturation process. In doing this, teaching and learning can take place with maximum efficiency. Six- and seven-year-old children easily grasp concepts that may take weeks for the four- or five-year-old child.
We also know that effective learning is sequential. Learning is most effective when it is built on a strong foundation of well-understood supportive concepts. Moving too quickly through foundational concepts will create a base of understanding that is simplistic and will not support more advanced thinking skills.
The second principle of our learning philosophy is "the involved learner." We believe that the most effective learning takes place when the child or young person is a participant in the learning process. This principle has very specific application to the early childhood and lower elementary child who understands concepts on the concrete rather than the abstract level. It is our goal to involve all students in the learning process in order to create excellence in the learning experience.
These two principles of learning are exemplified in Jesus’ teaching. He always waited until the appropriate time to teach a concept. He also involved His learners with the world around them (e.g. a fig tree, a coin, and a net.) Jesus' role as the "Master Teacher" was not to pour all the knowledge He had into the heads of His followers, but instead He carefully waited until the appropriate time and circumstances to teach His truth. In doing this His followers were participants in the learning process and eagerly waited for the next installment of learning from the Lord.
We want to nurture and train our students in the truth of God's Word. By presenting academics in an age-appropriate time frame and involving the learner in the learning process, young people will develop into eager lifetime learners.
At DCS, we feel a strong duty to teach creation-based science as the foundation for understanding our origins with an emphasis on the intelligent design of a loving God. We believe that God created all that we know ex nihilo (out of nothing). All life is a wonderful gift from God to be respected and cared for.
A true understanding of the present world requires starting with the Bible as our primary source, framework, and authority for understanding the origins of the world. The data of science should be interpreted through the lens of Scripture.
This approach to understanding creation includes teaching special creation of all things that occurred in six literal days, and the historical event of a universal flood evidenced by both Biblical and geological records.