"My family has been a part of the Desert Christian School Family since 2006. I will never forget the first day of 7th Grade for my oldest daughter, at Desert Christian Middle School. Our family had come to DCS from a public school in the west side of town where my daughter had been having a difficult time in school. She had a learning disability and a very tender, sweet heart that caused her to be sometimes more naïve than many of her fellow students. Sometimes she was even made fun of or ridiculed for not being like the other students. These factors often made for many lonely lunch and recess periods.
However, when I picked her up from DCMS that very first day of school, she had a whole brand new experience she couldn't wait to tell me. I'm sharing this with you as tears run down my face, God met her there at DCMS, when a truly special, Godly man introduced himself and immediately a bond was made between him and our family. Mr. Roseborough, thank you for your continued love and support of all four of my children. Your willingness to be a vessel that God can use every day to minister, not only to my children, but to all of those that God brings into your path is truly a testimony to what God is doing through our school. Thank you, and God Bless You."
“My husband and I met at Desert Christian High School and graduated over 20 years ago. We have three children attending DC now and our oldest will be graduating from high school this year. A big part of who she is today is a result of the love and support she's received over the years from Desert Christian Schools. The wonderful people of DC have faithfully come alongside our family during times of crisis to share our burdens and carry us through with assistance from the financial aid program. That has had a signigicant and lasting impact in our lives. Desert Christian provides an environment where our children are nurtured and cared for deeply by teachers and staff who encourage them daily, teach them God's word and lift them up in prayer during tough times. We are so grateful for the generous support and ministry of Desert Christian Schools!”
“I had to convince my mom to go to DCHS because I didn't live particularly close by. It ended up being the best decision I could have made for college preparation and spiritual guidance. I learned so much there that it would take me days to list it all. So many on fire children of God walked through and changed the campus. Some of those people I can't imagine not being friends with. Part of the reason for the confidence I have in my faith is all of the heart touching stories and wonders that I saw and heard in my four years."
“I learned a great deal at DC. I attended from 3rd grade up, excluding 6th grade. Outside of school I had some rough circumstances going on and the teachers and staff at DC were so kind and understanding and willing to listen. While no place of education is perfect, I genuinely believe that most of the teachers did their absolute best to make it a great place. Especially now since I have a job working with kids I sometimes find myself emulating them. One of the things I will never forget is that when I ended up in the hospital my sophomore year a lot of people helped me. Mr. Thomas even called my house to ask if there was any way he could help. Another is when I shared a part of my personal story my Junior year I was truly overwhelmed by the positive feedback. Also made a great deal of friends some of whom I am still close with.”
"By our family being able to attend Desert Christian, it has helped our child grow spiritually, socially, and personally with the family.
Spiritually, her favorite part of coming to school is the worship. Had we not been able to attend Desert Christian she would not be getting to experience this with other peers her age, she definitely would not have been getting fed the word and taught biblically daily in a public school setting.
Socially, she has grown into a personable person as before she kept to herself. She has seen others come and want to help and be there as a friend instead of segregation which has shown her how to also be there for others.
Personally, she enjoys coming home and sharing stories of being there for others, of the fun times they share at school and most of all the fun she has with her teachers. I know teachers are there to teach but at Desert Christian, they also have great relationships with the kids that make them feel wanted.
...Most of all knowing she is growing spiritually every day and we do not have to worry about pressures that the public schools carry today and being safe. We are beyond grateful for the assistance our family has received. Thank you very much from our family to yours!"