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Kindergarten Admission Information

Dear New Kindergarten Families,

We are busy here at Desert Christian Elementary School making preparations for the upcoming school year. Family interviews for incoming students may be conducted in person or online through Zoom. We will contact you to schedule a meeting during the enrollment process.

Kindergarten screenings are another part of the admissions process. Individual, in-person screenings will be scheduled with one of our kindergarten teachers. It is our desire to place each child where they are developmentally ready to succeed. If, when school begins in the fall, we share concerns about where your child has been placed, we will discuss and address them. Again, the goal is to place your child in a learning environment where they can grow and thrive!

Thank you for choosing Desert Christian Schools for your child’s education. We look forward to having you as part of the DCS family!

Please See the Information Below About the Screening Process



Each child applying for the DCS Kindergarten program must be five years old by December 2 to be considered for kindergarten. All incoming kindergarten students will be screened to determine the best academic placement. Based on the screening and principal recommendation, the student will be placed in a kindergarten or transitional kindergarten classroom. 

The kindergarten screening and family interview will be scheduled once the online enrollment packet has been submitted.



Transitional kindergarten gives children the “gift of time” to build the necessary social and academic skills for success throughout their school experience. Transitional kindergarten is based on the California Kindergarten Standards, including focused instruction in literacy and numeracy, and a strong emphasis on self-regulation and social engagement.



Desert Christian Schools exist to glorify Jesus Christ in all that we do by educating with excellence the whole student; spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically.



At DCS, our kindergarten program is designed to be a sequential and continuous educational experience that lays the foundation for a successful K-12 education.


Call us today at (661) 948-5071 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!